Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Althouse Watch (this might become a semi recurring thing.)

Today's silly shit from Wisconsin's most famous blogger. She's bitching and moaning about a how a tenured law professor at Widener U. might get stripped of his tenure and fired, for (among other right wingy ass holey things) repeatedly using the Dean by name in hypos where she gets shot.

Talk about bullshit.

But I need to go to sidebar, here. The best gig I had was as a staff attorney for AFSCME. But I was not just a union lawyer. I was an employment lawyer. I would routinely tell my peeps to treat each and every email they sent through the state's servers as if they were being read by their bosses.

Seems like the asshole in question needed to hear and follow some similar advice, specifically assume your boss will hear about you making violent jokes about them in the workplace, eventually. I can not imagine any scenario where I would say it was ok for a worker to even joke about any sort of violence happening to their bosses. Same goes for co-workers. Tenure will only protect an asshole's ass, so far. And that is how it should be, people. There needs to be standards, and if someone can not tell the difference between engaging in "free academic speech," and breaching standard work place conduct limits respecting respecting co-workers and bosses, that asshole should not be in academia.

If you wanna have no fucking limits on what the fuck you say, say it on a fucking blog. And that doesn't mean you will never get judged (I am sure my lousy spelling, sloppy editing, and careless posting will bite me in the ass, eventually.) But tenure does not equal license to be a flaming ass.

More is the point. Tenure does not negate ordinary workplace law, rational judgment, and human decency.

Oh. And if I was not clear (and if you did not follow the link,) the asshole in question is a conservative. What the fuck is wrong with these conservatives who think that "free speech" as an idea negates being judged for one's deliberately violent, carelessly violent, or just plain stupid shit and/or bullshit? Where the fuck is it written that anyone gets a pass from being weighed, measured, and found lacking?

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