This case is notorious (around the left wing blogs) for being way under reported. But the jury did their duty, and convicted this steaming piece of evil shit.
Now I first read about the conviction, likely on crooksandliars.com, last night. They have been watching this one, closely. But I am pleased to find the story reported on HuffPo. Maybe it will get picked up by the MSM? Hey. It could be an otherwise slow news day.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
And a follow up to the Sherrod lawsuit. Turns out her lawyer is from the firm of Kirkland & Ellis. I worked on a case for them (along with another firm, that was running the gig.)I am not going to sing their praises as if they are the best of the best, but they are big time, top shelf attorneys. Do not confuse these guys with hacks.
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