Tuesday, October 21, 2008

She is Taking Political Science Leadership From Whom?

Palin's Political Science Pedagogue, Joe (not) the Plumber

Here is my statement about Joe the (not) Plumber.

In a former (professional) life, I was a member of a craft/trade guild. I was a Journeyman Stage Employee. Granted, in my case the apprenticeship was accelerated, and I am one of the founding members of the local labor union, from which I held my card, but none the less, I did do the apprenticeship with the unaffiliated guild, before we got the charter. I did not just have one guy or three or four guys saying, he's ok. I had the collective unaffiliated guild who I had worked with over two years, agreeing I meet and exceeded their expectations on my job performance. So that by the time we got to negotiating with the International to get our charter for the local, I was not only invited to be part of the original membership, I was one of the members who did leg work and research. (So I was a charter member not only because I met the collective standards, but I worked with the others who did the work to get Our Charter.)

Now let's go to so called Joe. So called Joe is not a member of the appropriate craft/trade guild's training program for apprentices.


That means that unless and until and by some stroke of luck and very hard work he passes the comprehensive test by the state of Ohio for a Plumbing and Contractor License, he is not even entitled to call himself an apprentice plumber, leave alone a plumber. Either he needs a license from the state, or a union card from the Plumbers Union, that serves as evidence he is a Journeyman Plumber. Calling yourself a Plumber requires either the license from the state, or the union card.

So called Joe lacks either.

So what does any of that have to do with why that Horrid Palin woman is using him as a reference to any matter of Political Science (if Sen. Obama's tax plan is or sounds "socialist?")

Not much BUT . . .

bitch ain't even possessed of any credential in the trade he claims to me a journeyman at? It can be well argued he is not even, therefore, qualified to talk about that, with authority.

But what about things he has no practical experience in?

Oh ya. Yew betcha. He's as good en expert on that that a professor, yew betcha.


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