And to think some folk QUESTION why I love Katie . . .
Words Matter
Technical Notes:
I did not embed the vid, so click the hyperlink, not the pic!
Oh, and don't mind the Benydryl spot. Katie will follow that commercial (I did test the vid/link already.)
Substantive Notes:
I think Katie really means what she says there. I am making this point here, as I have met (or perhaps . . .encountered??) way too many people who can MOUTH or TYPE the sentiment that they know that some words are really very bad, very, very bad in the sense that if you are caught using the bad words by the wrong people you will have to pay for that transgession in blood, sweat, tears, and loss of reputation across a cross section of the American Population.
Oh, and then there are the people who actually GET IT!! That it is the horrible, mean, nasty-vicious, excuseless-ugliness of character, act, and being, behind the bad words, that make the bad words so bad.
I am confident Katie is the latter (actually gets it) not the former (a phony.)
I think she means it fully and totally, when she says "Words Matter," and to her it is DEFINITELY NOT a mere matter of paying "lip service."
Unfortunately, for far too many Americans, it only is a matter of lip service, or even more merely, just not wanting to be caught saying what they really feel in their hearts.
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