Saturday, June 17, 2006

You Haven't Beat Me Down Yet, You Cruel World, You!

I am not giving in that easy, nor just yet.

Yes you are a cruel bastid.

Yes, you have taken the love, the joy, even the merest of anything of value from my life (save creature comforts), and I am not yet defeated.

You, you vicious and uncaring world, you may think that you can strip me of all the intangible support of anyone not related to me by blood, and totally deprive me of that sense of being valued for being just myself, and you might think that that will stop me dead in my tracks and make me whimper like a whipped puppy, but I got news for you you ugly heartless world.

I have at least one card left to play and here it is.

Now I could choose to DESPISE you, world. I could hate you world with a passion you can not even understand if you want to keep on playing your sadistic game with me. But instead world, I will go that one step further.

I shall be indifferent to you, world.

That might not be as active a means of punishment as you have done to me, ugly selfish, wicked thing you are world, but honestly, that is all I got.

I am not going to burn you down or take you down or even do anything that takes more energy than the hurling of weak dismissive adjectives at you. However, I am not going to care if you continue to exist or not.

You have made your case clearly.

You have no use for me, and as a result I have no use for you, world.

Except for my creature comforts.

And music.

And art.

And good food.

and good drinks.

Beyond that, I have no need for you!


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