Monday, September 05, 2005

Faith Based Administration STRIKES Again!. Roberts NOW qualified to be CJUS

Da-yam! In one of the most NERVY displays of Imperial Arrogance, by a U.S. President, Bush has now nominated Roberts for CJUS, upon the passing of (as I often notated in my law school textbooks) THE RHEN.

(Honestly I don't recall ever notating him as THE EVIL RHEN, but likely was thinking it.)

Anyway, for a President who's approval rating was down in the 30's even before the Disaster in the Delta clearly demonstrated (well to some of us who mostly believed it to start) A Failure of Leadership Ability, Lack of Serious Purpose in Execution of the Executive Function, and perhaps more importantly in this regard, Appointing People to Jobs Above their Ability, nominating someone as CJUS who still hasn't even warmed the bench as an Associate Justice for FIVE minutes, is SERIOUSLY NERVY.

We will see how this plays out. Now will the Bush Admin's Increasing of the Pressue on the Roberts nomination serve as (as I am sure I am not the only one guessing) a distraction on the Disaster in the Delta?

Honestly I don't think so, as the bodies will be stacking up like cordwood, soon I am guessing. But with Bush in the weakest position he has been in in his entire presidency, can he and his minions pull off this stunt?

We will see. I would have guessed Roberts would have survived the hearings for becoming an Assoc. Justice. But now I am not as sure he will get through, even by a squeak!


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