Ironically, people have given me shit, over the years, for saying things like, generally, there is a whole lot of racism in America. Specifically, I have been saying most of that shit is on the right side of the political fence (and it is the more ignorant of that political persuasion who tends to give me shit, unsurprisingly.) I, when I bother to calibrate my message, tend to blame the most extreme third of the Right Wing. And they never back down on opposing my evaluations and conclusions, even while they go about
(a) supporting anti-latino legislation, such as that AZ anti immigration law, or
(b) making moderately vile to excessively vile, unsubstantive attacks on P. Obama, from the he's a socialist, a muslim, not an American, to calling him a racist, to portraying him as a Witch Doctor, or accusing him of taking the whole country "ghetto," or
(c) phony ACORN stings, pimped by the most racist news network, Fox. God forbid poor urban blacks try to make their and their neighbor's lives any easier, or
(d) phony voter intimidation cases. That shit happened a year and a half ago, and an appropriate sanction was handed down to the ONE obvious wrongdoer. Get over it, or
(e) phony charges of racism against any black in the Obama administration. Brought to the world wide web by one of the same racist dogs who brought us the phony ACORN story, and
(f) raging Islamaphobia. "It's not that we deny their right to worship what they want. We just want to dictate where . . . .," as if that makes it less bigoted, and
(g) now we have the announcement that the crack pot bigot preacher who was told that it is illegal to have his Koran Burning, is not only going forward with it, but with an armed militia to defend it.
Yes, race relations and related issues have gotten that bad.
And people wonder why I curse the Extreme Wing Nuts, and hope on their own they decide to move to the Australian Outback and form their own dystopia where their insanity and bigotry can be enjoyed by them, way the hell out of sight or harm of us normal rational folk.
(Nota. Credit to Mark Sawyer for the "Summer of Racial Resentment," line. Credit to The Old Bard himself, for the intro speech to "Richard III," of which style I have modeled.)