Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Motherfucking Nazis, and Sympathizers.

 I have decided it is perfectly fair to call any flat out Bozo supporter a Nazi.  In similar reasoning, it is fair to me to call anyone who is sympathetic to bozo a Nazi Sympathizer. 

To be fair.  I have been calling Republicans Nazis for decades.  Back in the day when only the marginal extremist fascist minded ones would say say out loud, they wanted to do mass deportations, and use the military on American citizens of the other party.  But now that Bozo, the GOP candidate for POTUS is saying shit like that at his rallys and in interviews? 

The previously fringy Nazi shit is now mainstream GOP policy position.

All Bozo supporters are Nazis.

All those who are sympathetic to him are Nazi Sympathizers.

Hey.  Owl.  You are very sympathetic to bozo.  I have not seen you raising any alarms about his plan to de qualify legal immigrants, and shove them in camps pending mass deportations.  Or criticize his plan to unleash the military against perceived enemies in the other political party.

He is spewing pure Nazi level ideas.  That makes him a Nazi.  And you are sympathetic to him.  And not opposed.  Just saying.



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