Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Rare Moment of Praise for The Owl, (but zeroed out.)

 I respect what she said about that racist movie, made by racists, called, "Am I Racist?"

They are racists because, only a racist would think it would be a good idea to make a movie making fun of racism.  To start a project to belittle anti racism, is to support actual racism, actually.  Sometimes life is that simple!  Sure, they would say they were going after some hustlers  and well meaning but wrong minded people who just happen to see racism everywhere  (it is, actually.  Said broadly without going on a tangent.)

So I criticize her for putting money in those racist's pockets!  Bad Owl.  Very bad!

"That sums up what bothered me about the movie. The filmmaker had an agenda, so I couldn't trust him to be fair to the people he was tricking. And of course, tricking them itself is unfair. The fact that he lured them by paying the fees they demanded — including $50,000 for one women — might make some people think they deserved what they got."

But her take is sort of  . . .  objective and reasoned:  But anyone could have come to tat conclusion with out watching the movie after paying money for a ticket and thereby supporting the racists who made it.

So the financial support for the project cancels out any props for her take on it.

Confession.   I am someone who was talking about the need for antiracism, more than three decades ago.  I do not appreciate the mission of attacking DEI and all of the anti racist endeavors.  Some people might think I am being unfair in calling the idea and motivation behind this movie to have been and remains,  mostly to "publish" racist propaganda.  But there is more to it than that.  They are making some money on it.  Come to think of it.  This is the major takeaway from the project.

On group of grifters set out to "expose" another alleged group of alleged grifters. 

But the targets are in it at least partly, if not greatly, for a higher purpose.  After all.  If the anti racists succeed.  Then they are going to have to find something else to do.  But the actual efforts by the people behind this project show, there still are way the fuck too many racists in America.  Accuse them of being in it for the money all ya like.  But the anti racists are not going to run out of racism to fight, any time soon.

So the movie ultimately proves the need for anti racists.  

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