Colossal Idiots
And one of the content providers you can get on your Roku Box, is HBO.
I can't even make shit like this up! What a colossal idiot.
But I am holding him up as just one of the Rush Defenders. Apparently this is their logic. It's bad to target a broadcaster's advertisers, so they are on the one hand, targeting the advertisers who have dropped Rush, and on the other hand, attacking HBO for Bill Maher.
Again. I can't even make this shit up.
Meantime, I actually listened to a couple minutes of Rush's show today. He's playing the victim. He was trying to make some false equivalence argument about the new TV show that is called GCB. It is abbreviated that way because the book that's the source for the show was titled Good Christian Bitches.
As if that in any way changes the fact that Rush is a serial, decades long abusive, ugly, nasty piece of shit?
Labels: cult of white right wing victim hood, free speech bullshit, instapundit, right wing cult of argument by offensiveness, Rush Limbaugh
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