Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am Almost as Sick With the Way Some Republicans Whine About Being Called Racists, for Acting and Talking Like Racists . . .

as I am at them for actually being racists, but I know the difference. Listening to them whine like that about that is just tiresome and annoying. The actual racism they embrace and display is a real and serious problem in America, and is an affront to all reasonable, decent people.

But as I said many times in the past here, there are some people who's understanding about the topic of racism is basically limited to the awareness that being slapped with the label of being called a racist is very bad, and the solution to that potential problem, of being labeled racist, is to demonize the very use of that label.

It is logic that only a racist could love.

Anyway, here is a vid from Bill Maher's Real Time, where he had as guests Princeton grad, and U. Penn. Professor Eric Dyson, and some republican racist twit blogger, Andrew Breitbart. Ok. I am being short and snarky about Andrew Breitbart, but he really is a perfect twit, and as well, a perfect example of the calling people racist is evil, don't do it or I will throw a fit, even if you ain't calling me that, camp.

If you watch this tape you will see him doing the whole shuck and jive and tap dance. More importantly, he actually comes close to telling the truth about that theory. He says that when someone gets accused of it, then they have to defend themselves.

Excuse me? Let's take the wide view here. When ever anyone gets accused of anything that is considered socially taboo or just plain wrong, they have the choice to defend it or not. Demonizing, specifically, the accusation and charge of being a racist on account of the whole now you got to defend yourself, part, is weak as it is not a unique thing as far as accusations go. Nevermind, you don't really have to defend against the charge. You do have to right to 'plead guilty' or otherwise to say you don't care who thinks you are a racist.

And I have to imagine that Breitbart himself, and all the other twits who say such things, are not all that stupid, that they know that the argument is weak. So what is really going on here? The answer is right there in the weak argument. They are tired of having to defend themselves. They know they are not exactly the nicest people out there. They want to believe that, but they know, and not only deep inside, it is actually close to the surface, they are aware of their passive, weaker, slightly milder racism. And they really have no intention of working harder to become more, if not truly tolerant. So instead they nurture their resentments about having to conform to a higher level of awareness about such issues, and the requirement to actually think before they act, and ultimately act like nicer people. They choose to resist being pressured to abandon the comfortable pathologies and behaviours of bigotry and bias and generalization, and separating the world into, "People who walk talk and look like us," and the rest of them.

So they attack the legions of Political Correctness, and the very idea of it, as a violation of their natural rights, and they figure as long as they are not using the EN word, or saying something blatant like kill the darkies, that they are entitled to a pass on what ever they say, no matter how offensive. They are a twisted lot. I am sure that many if not most of these behavioral regressives actually know they are the ones with the failing grade in being decent people. But that does not diminish the genuineness of their feelings of resentment, and their being offended. They are definitely offended by anyone who dares suggest they are less than decent folk. And they are twice as offended if they are at all remotely aware that they are in fact less than decent.


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