Sunday, March 01, 2009

How Lost Up Their Own Asses Are Republicans, Now?

Let's look to the events at CPAC for help in answering that question.

Someone invited Joe the Plumber there, to speak on a panel.

As I mentioned a few posts back, not only was John Bolton singing the Fear Song, but he got laughs by telling a dumb joke about the President's home town getting nuked.

Michael Steele was his jive-assed self, yet again. And I quote:

“I am here tonight to reject the idea that defeats of the past are a repudiation of core conservative values and principles,” he said. “Nor do I believe that those defeats are a sign of things to come.”

And not to be left out of the fun, our favorite MILFY Right Wing Crazy Congresscritter, Michele Bachmann declared that Steele,"Was da MAN!"

And after all that, we had the 13 year old kid who pretty much plagiarized every preceding conservative author by declaring conservatism was about principles, and got a standing o for that.

I repeat. Well, let's call it a rephrase, actually. They gave a 13 year old kid a standing ovation for saying something only moderately a keener observation than saying water is wet.

That is how far up their own asses they are, now.

Oh. Before I Post this, did you all hear about how Bobby Jindal confessed to pulling a Reagan? By pulling a Reagan, I mean he confabulated some of the details of one of his anecdotes, in his speech, the other night. Well Bobby. That is likely as close to Reagan you are going to get, making up shit and selling it like it is true, on nationwide TV.

Those people have some serious issues. And I mean they have personality issues, and identity issues, and truth issues, and cognitive issues. They really need a total tear down, if you will permit me to sharply change my metaphors. Or maybe I can say, instead, they need to be deprogrammed? Ya. That is more in keeping with the mental dysfunction theme.


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