Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mean, Cruel, Heartless, Selfish Republicans. And Did I Say Delusional Liars? Did I Say Wrong, Too?

In the middle of watching McLaughlin Group, I heard Pat Buchanan say the following, or word to the effect that Obama's mortgage relief plan was taking care of his people and not taking care of the Chicago Board of Trade traders. That last part there had to do with that infamous melt down of the idiot trader that I have not forced myself to watch yet. Since I published my list of excuse less things Republicans whine about, do you really think I need to put myself through that?

Point is, no Pat. Most Americans really do not give a shit about what some dumb-assed, egotistical trader thinks.

Moving on to the rest of that conversation, Monica Crowley was spewing the lies as fast and as strongly as a horse with bladder control problems can pee. She actually lied about the amount of Americans who are against the mortgage bailout, in principle ( leave alone the actual plan, which is short on the actual government funding, and long on the re drawing of the mortgage terms.) And she repeated the GOP talking point about how, and she actually used the language that it was the Fed gvt's fault in the first place, and they "Held a gun to the heads," of the banks.

There we have not only another example of Republicans using the words but not speaking English, actually, but in this case it is a blatant lie. As Clarence Page pointed out, as long as the banks were making money, they were very happy . . . until the bubble burst. But the truth of the matter is we had a sick system, that provided a way for greedy mortgage brokers to make money by signing up folks for mortgages under any lousy conditions they could get away with, and for them to pocket their fees, and then sell off the bad paper on the back end market. People who make their money processing mortgages, but not by actually collecting the regular and steady monthly payments don't really seem to care if those payments get made, actually. That is how the crisis actually began and actually did the original damage to the housing market, actually.

Ya. I personally would be more willing to listen to Republicans about this sort of stuff if they at least recognized the existence of the back end market, and the net disastrous effect of having people serve as mortgage brokers, who never actually service and hold the notes. But since they lie, make shit up, exaggerate, and deliberately avoid key facts and reality that thwart their precious theories, I really have little desire to give them the benefit of the doubt, when they are so obviously full of shit about nearly everything. Yes. I am going that far today. I am one month into the Obama Administration, and I said it myself here, that it is just going to get worse and worse. I guess the only consolation could be that Obama and company do a good enough job of stabilizing the economy (or seem to at least), and that the Republicans get even more whiny, shrill, bullshit, and just plain wrong, and that they pull a political "Liberty Valance."

And if you don't know what that means, I will explain: "Who killed Liberty Valance? Liberty Valance killed Liberty Valance."

Ya. I can't swear to it, and I will not be so bold as to declare it is definitely gonna happen, but if the Obama plan leads to a recovery, then why the hell will anyone but the most dogmatic, knee jerk of Republicans show them the slightest bit of respect anymore? I mean really!

Oh jeeze. The next topic was Holder's speech on race, and what not. Good thing I was paying more attention to my typing than the segment. From what I got out of it, Pat was not as racist race bating as he had been on one of the cable news infortainment shows, earlier this week; mercy, that.


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