Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Explain This, Republicans. And Some Quickies.

How come it is a good thing when an individual worker can bargain to improve his work terms, but it is bad when group of them try to bargain?


How come it is a good thing when a church or other kind of private charity gives out aid, but it is a bad thing when the government does it?


How come it is a good thing when a church or other kind of private charity gives out aid when the money is coming from the Federal Government, but it is a bad thing when the Federal Government is doing the spending?


How come it is a good thing to have the Federal Government make spending choices between religious and other private charities, but it is a bad thing for the Federal Government to make spending choices at the point of distribution of services?


How come is it a good thing, and not torture, to engage in a practice that convincingly makes both a human's body and mind believe that it is actually being drowned, but it is a horrible horrible thing to make someone wear a seat belt or a helmet?

How come it is a good thing for the United States to be considered (believed) to be a Christian nation, and should lead the world in a global campaign to make the whole thing Christian, but it is a bad thing when Muslims want the same sorta thing, locally and globally?


I'll stop there.

Moving on to the Quickies:

Kudos to Rupert Murdoch for apologizing for that horrible cartoon. Once again, he has shown that he has a lot more class than many, many of the consumers of his products (and I am thinking about Fox New Viewers.) However the apology fell short. Regardless of the inferences based on the use of the chimp, the fact that the cartoon had any inference of any American Lawmaker being gunned down on the street was beyond the pale, all by itself, actually.

Palin has reared her head again, this time by proxy. That propaganda piece by Republican propagandist Ziegler, "Media Malpractice" is back in the news. For reasons I do not know Matt Lauer had the hack on his show, recently. MATT. YO. Listen Up. It's time you get with the program. Do not rely on the sunshine being the best disinfectant theory to always win out. We must point out the nutters, and the loons, and the hacks for what they are, crazy people, if not bullshitters, if not crazy and bullshitters, and not do anything to legitimize their bullshit.

Lastly (for now) Bobby Jindal is making a strong run for taking over First Place in the My Least Favorite Sitting GOP Governor Sweepstakes. Truth be told, he wasn't that far beyond Sociopathic Succubus Sarah -- I mean that shit about performing the exorcism and curing the girl's cancer is classic psychosis level crazy-assed crazy shit, but his actual excuse for turning down Fed Stim $$ for continuation of Unemployment Benes? I know I should not post violent imagery against politicians, beyond the obviously slapstick kind, so I will say it this way. I hope he comes down with a case of word salad tonight. Well that might not work well, as they likey will do it on tape, never mind tape delay, so I think I should say I hope he catches that case of word salad in two years, and is stuck with it for the next tow years non stop. That in of it self is not bodily harm, but he will sound like a gibbering idiot, all the while. Wait, I mean sound more obviously like a gibbering idiot.

Oh. I almost failed to mention the reason he wants to turn down the money; it is because the State of LA would have to change the law regarding Unemp. benes, thereby bringing the worst of the states for stingy, anti worker requirements to collect such benes, in line with the rest of the civilized world.

"Unemployed workers are worst off in the Deep South, where relatively few people are eligible to receive payments. Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas stand out. "
Nasty, Mean, Partisan Prick, Jindal.

And you know there are going to be some ignorant Republicans who are going to support Jindal, even when fully apprised of the real reasons for this alleged (*cough*) stand on principle. (*choke*)

Some of these partisan hacks are wrapping themselves in the mantle of 10th Amendment Sovereignty. Again, and beyond the usual, these people use the same words but are not speaking the English Language, actually. And in this case their understanding of Constitutional Law is worse than the illiterate Yak Herders. The Yak Herders at least will not pretend to know what they don't, but these "Constitutional Conservatives," just make shit up.

And to explain that, there is not one thing in the U.S. Constitution that prevents the Federal Government from attaching all sorts of strings, and hinges, and trap doors, and spiderwebs or other icky things to any grant of money to the states. Likewise there is nothing in the Constitution that says that states have any sort of Constitutional claim, based on such strings, hinges, and trap doors. Nor is there mention of the states having any ability to override such strings and what not.

It has always been like that. For over 200 years, this is how it has been. Now don't be inventing some Constitutional claim where there clearly is not, ya bullshitters.


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