Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Quickies

Let's see. We have the bit about how John Bolton made a "joke" about a nuke taking out President Obama's home town, sweet Chicago, at the Conservative Political Action Conference(CPAC). Unsurprisingly, the room ful of Republicans gave up a hearty laugh at that.

See. These guys never were the cool kids, and never could be. I did see some vid from last night's Olbermann show. He had some journalist there who had a look see around the convention, and reported that (just as I stated was the more advanced stage of delusion) these people think they are the normal. He held up a button that was one of the hits of the event:

Regular Americans vs Liberal Elites.

Ok. I guess someone wearing that, or sharing the sentiment, otherwise, is trying to make real the idea in the old Huey Lewis song, "Hip to Be Square." My reply to that? Good luck with that. (*not*)

Speaking of Mr. Olbermann, we are apparently keeping track of the same trash that these uncool kids on the Hannity Message Board have been up to. Olbermann specifically named Hannity as his "Worst Person in the World," based on the secesionist trash, armed revolt, revolution whoring threads that have been so popular there. But the story does not end there. The peeps on that board are dealing with on the one hand, a coordinated attack by Olbermann's minions, basically making nuisances of themselves. If I am up on my terminology, that is called doing a drive by. And at the same time, they are dealing with the sobering thought that all that talk of war and violence against the government could be crossing the line, and the Secret Service might not only shut the board down, but that they might go out and reach out and touch some of the posters out there in the real world.


Oh. And since I got into this Hannity Board frame of mind, let me post something from one of my favorite posters. And when I say favorite, I mean favorite example of someone who, to my layman's mind, is completely insane. Note. She isn't always this demented. But it happens a lot.

Every single solitary day, the Beast Lord and his pack of Predatory Animals in Washington and in our state capitals further destroy the threads that bind people together to form communities and society itself.Sooner or later, one incident will cause the very very very thin thread still remaining because of HIPPIE SOCIAL AGGRESSIONS to snap.Bubba groups are already formed, already commanded by individuals whom other individuals respect, giving them NATURAL control and command authority -- the authority the HIPPIE ANIMALS in the DNC demand but destroy with their every pronouncement and their every "policy" and their every DESTRUCTIVE action.Those small groups will NATURALLY band together to serve common survival -- and leaders will automatically rise to the top as other individuals, also threaten, see natural leadership ability and wisdom in one person and give them their trust.Family is the smallest and most tightly bound social unit -- and one or two dominant personalities always have the lead in those units -- those who rebel are forced out, those who excel are trusted and imitated and followed out of NATURAL RESPECTFrom family, communities are formed -- and the same thing happens -- either economic or social misfit drives away the few, while the others unite under the NATURAL leadership of the few who are perceived as trustworthy.

(That is about a third of the whole rant. Go here for the rest, if you dare)
Pro Revolution Wing Nutter's Rant, from the Hannity Board.

See my point? Now that is someone who never even got close to being a cool kid. I am reminded of the strange girl in my (what was it?) 3rd grade class, who used to eat the pencil shavings. I swear I actually saw this girl eating pencil shavings. I am creative, ya, but I can't make that shit up on my own. That idea had to come from a mind more warped than my own.


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