Monday, February 09, 2009

Is Michael Steele a Liar, Full of Shit, No Smarter Than a Bucket of Snot, or Some Combination of All?

Before I point out the obvious bullshit/stupidity of Michael Steele's recent remarks about the difference between work and a job, let me repeat what I often say. Yes, there is a difference between a gig and a job. I have done gig work, both in the show businesses sense of the word, and as a non show biz temp for years. But what Steele infers? Or more to the point, what he ignores, is the part that leads to my critical, insulting, but warranted questioning of him being a liar, full of shit, no smarter than a bucket of snot, or some combination of all.

First things first. Let us look at this from the worker's POV. If the worker has neither "work" or a "job," a worker will be happy to have to take the mere work, rather than nothing, in the short term. And that leads to the following macro economic truth, that having 10 million workers working at mere work is far better for the economy as a whole, instead of them not working at all. That really should be enough for anyone to paint Steele as a liar, as bullshit, as a moron, of some combination of all of the above.

But honestly, I will concede that what he said was pure bullshit, mostly. He does know better than that, and he did not really say any out and out specific untruth, but the conclusion he is driving at is really the untrue part, namely that just-work is some how a bad thing. That much is plain. But since I have bothered to start this, I might as well give the whole argument.

Continuing . . .

Next level up -- some industries and careers are work based. Waxing crapulently about how it is so much better to have long term employment is meaningless to people in construction, and other trades and professions, particularly for freelancers and yes, those small businessmen who run their own shops/practices. This economy ain't like the middle ages Mr. Steele. It doesn't take 100 years to build the cathedral, ensuring three, maybe four generations of laborers, masons, or carpenters to only have to work on the one project for their whole lives. (Reality of these economic times is that the 20 year job is mostly a thing of the past. That is just the way it is.)

Next, all businesses, and by extension, states of employment, are ruled by supply and demand, and perhaps other forces, like the health of the local, regional, national, world economy, weather, stability of governments, and oh -- competition. And that leads to the following point. Merely having something that looks, smells, and tastes like a real job, does not mean one has job security. Remember, we live in a capitalist society; there are no guarantees. The majority of the people who are creating the lay off/lost job statistics are people who lose "Real Jobs." Lots of the people who are/were in the twilight zone of self-employment are not even on grid for the purpose of unemployment stastics, particularly the "small businessmen" Mr. Steele touts as the backbone of American Economics. The shop keeper, the local accountant, the lawyer, the freelancers of many trades do not get to run down to the unemployment office when their clients disappear. They just have to scrounge harder, and perhaps scrounge for any work at all they can get their hands on.

One does not need to have earned an Econ. degree to see that work is better than not work. Likewise, it only requires an average and ordinary level of intellect to see, as in plainly and easily, that just-work is a sizable chunk of the economy. And, you would have to be brain damaged to not get it, that no job is recession proof, or otherwise a guaranteed thing.

So Mr. Steele? You still want to deride a economic stimulus package that creates work instead of jobs? If so, you are totally full of shit. I do not say that to employ an insult, but rather to descibe, in ordinary workman like words, how empty your words, logic and argument appear.

But lo. Hey, ho. Mr. Steele's run of the RNC might be troublesome and short, not on account of his public statements that contradict the fundamentals of Adam Smith conservative (in both senses of the word) economic theory. Instead, his past might be catching up to him.

RNC chief Michael Steele says he'll cooperate with FBI (while)Denying allegations of impropriety in his 2006 campaign spending.

Poor thing. Here. Have a cookie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a typical, frustrated liberal bullshitter. Talks talks but is a whimp.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about Steele of course.

2:19 PM  

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