Wednesday, February 04, 2009

For Now, Some Quickies.

New Anti-Obama trend:

The (meaning most unhinged) right wing extremists are now using the word "idiot" freely, to describe President Obama. Now I am not going to say that is an improvement over the usual, unhinged extremist hate bombs tossed at President Obama, namely Marxist, commie, pinko, Muslim, foreigner. However I would trade all those for the unhinged extremists to use "idiot," exclusively. Why? Because whenever I see some uneducated, bigoted, unhinged, partisan right winger call President Obama an idiot, it is they who look like an idiot. So keep at it kids. Get back to me after ya'll finally learn the theory of dead weight loss, diminishing returns, and can explain both the strengths and the weaknesses in the Laffer Curve, if ever.

Next bit. More Delusional Republican Racism:

A few days ago the NY Times published an editorial piece linking the more extremist of the anti-immigration people/movements with racism, naming Bill O'Reilly specifically, but not specifically calling him a racist. And what was Bill O'Reilly response to that? Well naturally he took offence to being linked to racists and racism, despite his chosen mission as Defender of The "White Christian male power structure." Then, on the first night of his response he broadcasted some audio of a rep of one of the racist anti-immigration groups, as evidence he is not a racist. Not only that, but he whines in the middle of his rant about how immigration is going to,"Change the complexion," of the country. (Shit, who edits his copy? Apparently no one.)

See the vid here.

I guess it would be a revelation to Mr. O'Reilly to understand that if one advertises their interest in preserving and promoting the White Cultural Dominance and Power Structure, in America, instead of preserving and promoting liberty and justice and equal opportunity for all no matter what cultural background one has, one might actually be a racist, actually.

I could go further than that, but that is good enough for now.

And Last, for Now. Sean Hannity's Bestest Ugly BFF; The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.

What a blessing, for Hannity, this raving crazy black man is. I mean really. What could serve better for an Ugly Republican Friend than a black man who is willing to say over 90% of American (voting) blacks are racists, because they voted for Obama (and never mind they never vote Republican in the National Election, no matter if the Dem is black or white?) This guy not only made Hannity look saner by merely being next to him, but this guy gave Hannity the chance to say,"I don't believe that."

Jesse Lee Peterson: The Ultimate Republican Ugly BFF.

Maybe Hannity will be willing to let Bill O'Reilly borrow Jesse Lee sometimes? Naw. I don't think Hannity is that generous a fellow.


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