New Year's Part Deux. What I want out of 2007.
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If 2006's word of the year is truthiness, I want 2007 to be a year where we reject the idea of truthiness, of wikiality, of partisan parochial pontification, of spin, of parsing, of explaining what some other chuckle-head really meant, despite the fact the we -- the rest of us -- clearly heard/read the HATEFUL, BIGOTED, RACIST, INEXCUSABLE or merely WOEFULLY IGNORANT thing that chuckle-head in question actually expressed.
I want 2007 to be the year of NO BULLSHIT!
Keeping in mind my earlier post from a few months ago, lionizing that inspiring (yet fictional) newsman Walter Beale, I want people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to
rise as one (or nearly so) and shout out loud:
"Im mad as hell at all this Bullshit, and the Bullshitters, and I am not gonna take it anymore!"
I am remembering something I read on some website I have bookmarked here, that was about how to spot a liar. The remark I have in mind is something like, you know a lie when you hear it, as your inclination is to TURN AWAY from the lie/liar.
That is what I want in 2007. I want this to be the year where when ever anyone spins, snows, lies or bullshits, that the inclination to Turn Away, is always met and always followed.
I am not saying that if 2007 actually ends up as the year of No Bullshit, that the world's other major problems will dissapear.
But honestly (no pun intended)? I can not see a single other real problem in the world being solved, unless we seriously reduce the mountain of bullshit and lies that we have been living with, for way far too long.
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