Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday Quickie.

Well it is technically Friday morning, and after a week of ovedosing on pontificating pundits, I have opted for a short, and funny post. Correction; the post is not funny, but the linked page is.

Yes, at one point I was thinking about "going off" on Sean Hannity, who is to me not only the poster boy for bad lay opinion, but to my mind, certainly, also the poster boy of the wickedness of the cult of the cult of personality, but I have decided to forbear.

Instead, I bring you a special treat.

All I will say about this site is, it totally supports my claim (to the most absurd extreme) that if you go around mixing your religion and your politics, all you end up doing is dragging God down in the gutter. And these guys managed to find the sub gutter!

Far as I know, these guys are SERIOUS. I swear!

(ok, not really.)


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