Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ignore That Man Behind The Curtain!

Basically, this is going to be about why I am not in a tizzy over the SCOTUS vacancy, and the nomination process.

I suspect the fix is in, here.

Not that I have a shred of evidence to support that idea; it is more of an intuition. But to my mind, the deal that went down over the Filibuster Farce, even if nominally between Senators, seems to have been about more than Circuit Court appointments (and that is the only thing that people on both sides of that Farce seem to agree on. ) Again, this is me being intuitive (have to go that route sometimes, in absence of having all the facts, ya know), but my take is this. If the Farce was actually about the looming prospect of a SCOTUS vacancy, then isn't it at least somewhat likely the deal is/was about the prospect of a SCOTUS vacancy? And if the deal was about the prospect of SCOTUS vacancy, how deep and detailed was the agreement (oh, and were any of the WH Bushies in the loop, if not secretly parties to the deal?)

We will see. I will, for the time being, view the ongoing (seeming) dog-and-pony show with the same level of mildly amused cynicism I used to, when I was a stage hand. And to explain what I mean there, at this one theatre I used to work at, we had a habit of repeating specific chatter on the headsets, for particularly boring shows, just to stay awake.

"Cue the Rain Curtain!"

"Send in the Disco Ball."

"Blow the flashpots."

In other words, I am bored with it already, and what I am seeing on the TV looks more like a particularly boring, and scripted show.

Then again, it could get interesting. We will have to see if that happens. And I HOPE it is unscripted!


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