Monday, July 11, 2005

What Is The Opposite of Reasoned Thought? Buzzwords.

Yes, you know them, and if you have a sufficient number of functioning neurons, you hate them. Or, if you will allow me to tinker with a certain well-known quote by R.W. Emerson:

A foolish consistency (in Employing Buzzwords instead of Rational Thought) is the hobgoblin of little minds.

So, to push on with today's theme, which I admit was as much inspired by some article I saw somewhere on line alleging to be a "Conservative Glossary," as a lifetime of revulsion at buzzwords (as I call it sometimes, sloganeering), let's take a peek at my list of Bad Buzzwords, and what they really mean.

Oh, and I am being biased here; I am going after the Conservative Buzzwords.

War On Terror:

Any military action and/or government policy that has nothing to do with capturing Bin Laden, or has any chance of reducing the threat of terrorism.

We Are At War:

Meaning #1: A political variant of "Tim the Toolman Taylor's" lust for "More Power" (Grunt, Grunt.)

Meaning #2: You have caught me/us in a error, or lie, or distortion, or trying to sell a particularly smelly load of bullshit, and I want to avoid the truth of that and will distract you.


The American Conservative's non-legal variant of the South African Apartheid Regime's notoriously immoral and corrupt anti-communism law. For those of you not aware of that exemplar of wicked despotism, it was a crime to be a communist, and the law basically defined being a communist as:

[a]nyone that the South African Apartheid Regime said was a communist, was a communist.

The American Conservative variant is basically employed with the same wicked, shallow, vapid motives, although without the net result of the so-branded Commie being sent to a particularly nasty prison colony (and you can bet there are some Conservatives who pity the difference.) It basically works, as follows. Your politics are different than mine, so I hate you and you must be a Commie.


See the definition for "Commie," above.

Activist Judge:

Any judge who reaches a decision you disagree with, particularly if the decision involves a political issue.

Original Intent:

Describes an alleged school of judicial constitutional philosophy that (despite any other claims) merely and only means that the judge's "judicial philosophy" is the political philosophy of Hard Right Wing Conservativism.

Tax Cuts:

Virtual Crack (or Oxy Contin, if that is your preference) for Republicans. They can never get enough of it, and they will tell any lie or abuse any person who stands in between them and their next fix.

Great American:

Anyone who's politics adequately conform to yours.


Anyone who's politics is more than 3% different than yours.


See definition for "Great American," above.

Attack on Religion:

Any failue by any person to 100% support the goal of making the USA a fundamentalist Christian Society and Nation.

Christian Coaliton/Conservative Christian:

The group of people, or respectively, any such person, dedicated to the cause of American Antidisestablishmentarianism. See definition above for "Attack on Religion," for context.

Separation of Church and State:

Some wicked, heathen, Demon-spawned, evil idea that is not specifically found in the US Const. However, it was in fact coined By Thomas Jefferson. But since Thos. Jefferson was a Founding Father, he must have wanted America to be a Christian Nation, as that is what all the Founding Fathers intended, right?

If you see a contradiction there, Deal With It.


Previously, a foundational tenent of some Protestant sects, specifically regarding the Bible, such sects having been formed (among other reasons) as a protest of the doctrine of inerrancy of the Catholic Pope (again, if you find a contradiction there, Deal With It), but lately the term appears to apply to government policies and acts, and political beliefs of Hard Right Wing Conservatives (or any allegedly Conservative politician who can maintan the illusion of being a Hard Right Wing Conservative.)

Hard Right Wing Conservative:

Someone who would gladly give up liberty and democracy for the dubious, if not wicked goal of a America where everyone "looks just like us; or at least thinks and acts just like us."

I will stop there. I think I have made my point.


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