And even more specifically, we will never run out of unconscionable conduct by Fox (not) News.
And for a example of that, consider Fox (not) News Network's abuse of the technique called "ambush journalism." Not only do they abuse the tactic, but they, in their group psychosis, are damned proud of it. And they must be damned proud of their lack of getting any awards for excellence in journalism, too, I will say. But anyway, this tactic, which on the national level is used for mother killers and father rapists, and for big dollar embezzlers, and people who defraud the government or the people for millions, or at the local level, against your neighborhood crooks, and crooked politicians, is now being used by Fox against political enemies.
Ya. I said it. There really is no use in mincing words. Fox is sending two man teams out there to harass people who dare have a different political pov.
The last tape of this I saw was surprisingly not from O'Reilly, who as of late has started harassing people that way who dare speak critically of him ( and that is its own level of sickness), but was from one of the other shows. Griff Jenkins, the 'producer' was sent out to confront a Columbia U. history professor over what was essentially a bullshit claim about what was in a book he wrote.
But let us be more accurate than Griff here. Even if there was a factual inaccuracy in the book, the claim was bullshit. Sane people do not stalk people with TV cameras over a single sentence in a history book. That is just psychotic in of itself, thinking this merits the sort of hounding usually reserved for either big deal felons, or at least serial felonious local businesses who if indicted could be facing multiple felony count indictments. So in this case it was double bullshit.
By the way, go
here for the story.
But even in a country that values free speech, you have to wonder about why there is a market for this sick, silly shit. I mean it is not as bad as snuff movies, or watching dog fights. But what kind of sick shit sits at home, flicks on the tv up to Fox, and cheers on some alleged 'producer' hounding some person for not generally being a Republican, and/or not agreeing with the Republican version or spin on some idea or event?
That is not a rhetorical question. I really want to know what kind of sick twisted person can sit there and think something along the lines of:
"Heh, heh. Lookie that. The producer knows the guy ain't gonna answer any of his loaded questions. And he keeps asking them. And the questions get more and more unhinged. And the guy still ain't answering. Heh, heh."And getting back to the way Fox abuses the tactic, they seem to use either of three major variations (but one can slide from one to the other, in an instant.)
There is the C
lassic Confrontation Straw Man. The 'producer' asks what is a classic strawman question, and tries to pull off the silence is agreement conclusion. This can also be described as the "When did you stop beating your wife," type of question, as the attack does not always have to be only on the politics.
There is the
Editorial Comment. That is where the 'producer' basically if not literally reads off some Republican talking points about the thing, issue, or idea, and either tries to lure the target into some ad hoc debate, or sort of if not more so mock the target for not agreeing with the Republican talking point.
And then there is the
Bait and Switch and/or Abuse. You can actually get there with the other two as the openers, but if the target actually refutes the set up, and starts to fight back, the 'producer' either changes the subject, or gets increasingly belligerent, hoping to piss off the target enough to get shoved or pushed out of the way, or get some salty or explosive language on tape, or some combination of the above.
It is such a witless childish game. And I know I am sort of following the trend to talk about this now, but I hope I have at least added to the discussion. The pathology of the way Fox is warping this technique is fairly apparent, but the loyal audience must dig it. Shame on them for that. I heap as much shame on the audience as the network, just like when I made my previous bear bating analogy. It fits here too, I'd say. And it is just plain sick, but not on blood sport level. I'd say it is sick, in the the pathetically childish way, sick. Oh. I got it. It is Homer Simpson simpleton sick; but with a mean streak.
Yeah. I doubt I can come up with better that that on short notice.