I thought it Over, and it is Worth Breaking Embargo
Frequently, I have pointed out how white lady blogger Ann Althouse keeps on trolling her own blog. Generally, she has that obnoxious habit of posting blurbs from and links to articles, but often doesn't comment. Which is most obnoxious when the topic is anything generally controversial. More so, when it has to do with blackness, racial 'other than' whiteness matters. If there is anyone out there who consistently reads me, you should know that I stand fast and firm regarding the following.
If one is not black, and one is not so solidly an informed ally that one might actually possess actual credentials in social sciences generally, and/or additionally specifically in the issues concerning race matters? One would be wise to just shut the fuck about anything having to do with blackness.
For the record, trolling your own blog by posting articles about some aspect blackness, and not adding your own comment when doing that, does not count as shutting the fuck up. It is stirring the pot, particularly if your hive attracts a bunch of racists, usually, who too often say blatantly racist shit.
Let me note the first 10 out of 37 comments, as of the time I started my post here.
1) Turns the topic to . . . white people are the real victims.
2) Blatantly racist remark of the, blacks are more of a danger to other blacks, kind.
3) Another blatantly racist remark of the, blacks are more of a danger to other blacks, kind.
4) Some looney comment regarding that likely racist piece of trash, MAGA rioter who got shot on the sixth of Jan. 2021, at the Capitol.
5) Another blatantly racist remark of the, blacks are more of a danger to other blacks, kind.
6) Something so stupid I can't tell if it is racist.
7) Another blatantly racist remark of the, blacks are more of a danger to other blacks, kind. This racist piece of garbage says the following, as his first sentence: "The New York Times is becoming more and more a platform for Black whining." He admits he did not even bother to read the article before commenting. Does that make him better or worse than anyone who didn't read it, and did not confess?
8) Something more indirectly racist, but so looney it is hard to understand.
9) The only comments in the first 10 that seem both sane and not racist, and
10) Yet another instance of . . . turns the topic to . . . white people are the real victims.
I have no idea what goes on in her . . . unique brain, But I look at her promoting shit like this and I have to at least conclude she has no problem in promoting racists and their racist ideas. That is why I call her racist adjacent, and call her blog commentariat a hive of racist scum. But I grade hard.
Here is the triggering article:
The World Expects Black Men To Make Themselves Smaller
Labels: ann althouse, cult of white right wing victim hood, Racism 2.0, right wing cult of argument by offensiveness
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