Sunday, September 05, 2021

Goddess please! Don't let me get that old!

 And I don't mean a certain number.  I mean, a way of looking at and being in the world.  My thoughts about Ann Althouse and her old fart kind of put down of the new Cinderella, hits on a theme that has been on my mind a lot lately.

People getting cranky, and crotchety, and yes, conservative.  One point of view says, that is natural.  I say fuck that.  I might love the music of my teens, twenties, and thirties best.  But I am loving Dua Lipa and yes Camila, to name a couple. 

 I try to keep up.  Who wants to be stuck in the past?  Conservatives.  Not necessarily about politics, but a lot of folk are intellectually lazy and just think old is better, as rule.  And that is why the political movement of conservatism is morally bankrupt.  That presumption is baseless.

When I see those things were better back in the day, memes, I quickly get to thinking.  Some, and by that I mean a lot of us, are lucky to be alive, with all the danger we lived with.  For starters, those of over a certain age remember a lot more people dying in car crashes, before they forced car makers to make them safer.  (My dad once had a Corvair!)

Anyway, years ago I read an article about the young fogeys.  Yes. Someone can be in their twenties and have instead of an old soul, an old, crochety disposition.  It is not about how many times you have gone around the sun.  It is how you  approach the world and being in it.  In other words, you don't have to love everything new.  But don't hate shit because it isn't old.  That is tiresome and lame.

J M O.



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