Thursday, September 23, 2010

Something of a Follow Up to My Last Post. Culture Wars Are Back!

I just watched an interesting piece by Rachel Maddow about how the Culture Wars are back.

Not to say they ever really went away, but buzz in the media downplayed that cluster of issues in favor of the Tea Baggers insane rantings, in favor of the very same Right Wing economic policies that led to the crash of 2008. Some folk never learn. Even when the dog is biting them in the ass for a third or fourth time, they still will never learn.

And that brings me back to culture wars.

Now in my mind we have to not only crush the narrative, and redirect the anger in the heartland back on the GOP this election season, individually (more so than generally) we need to hit these mentally ill tea bag candidates where each are individually weakest. Attack the GOP across the board for being the harbingers of doom, and despoilers of the nation. Attack the individual candidates for the crazy shit the say, or believe, or their lack of real jobs for years and years, or what ever is their soft spot.

The future is at stake here. These bastards almost did us all in just two years ago. (Granted. It was a disaster 30 or so years in the making, but 2008 was when we all almost lost the whole country to those bastards.)

We can't let them have control ever again. The nation they will create will either be a corporate oligarchy, a leveraged subsidiary of some foreign entity. Perhaps a bit of both?

Either way (or any way or shape it takes) I do not want to live in the world where less taxes and smaller government takes me. That's for revanchists. And that's a fancy word for backward thinking shit heads. And I want none of that!


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