Friday, September 03, 2010

Mrs. Palin's a Pathological Liar. Who Knew? Me, and Everyone With an I.Q. Above 6, seems. Anyway . . .

I suppose I should link the Vanity Fair Article that all the this new (round up the usual suspects, kind of new) bro ha ha ha comes from. But don't I have VF on my sidebar already? Anyway here is Sully's take. I haven't read it yet. But for me the only part I was surprised to learn was that all that hunting shit was a lie.

Granted, I have been wondering for weeks if not months if her pappy ever said,"Don't retreat. Reload." That one smelled of ripe nasty bullshit to my nose, from day one.

Here ya go.

Liar Liar, Such a Dirty Liar.


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