If We Could Have a Who's Crazier Contest Between Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin
Why am I afraid of that? I mean she is obviously out of her damn mind, totally yumpy off her uncola nuts, crazy. But that does not mean she is more crazy.
It means she is more Glenn Beck-flavored crazy.
I think Sociopathic Succubus Sarah is more Evita Peron crazy. And by that I mean sociopathic, Messianic, megalomaniac, and too dumb to realize her own personal limitations, shortcomings, and inadequacies, to the point of being way beyond ordinary self delusional, crazy.
That is a far more dangerous kind of crazy as more people are willing to take an Evita seriously, than some babbling nut case in a Neiman Marcus Career Wear dress.
But in any case, here is the latest loony tunes gem from Ms. Bachmann:
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