Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ok. I Got A Hook Today. Not a New One.

It is an old, basic one; these Republicans just lie lie lie.

Today's big news is the withdrawal of the Gregg Nomination for Sec'y Commerce. (Sidebar. I spent time up in New Hampshire. His unappreciated by him likely nickname was and likely still is Jug Head, up there.) So I am watching Hardball and they have one of those lying liar Republican Operatives on, commenting on the withdrawal, and he focused on the moving of supervision of The Census, directly under the White House.

Lying liar Republican called it a power grab.
Excuse me?

Moving one responsibility that is under an executive branch department to another part of the executive branch is now a power grab?
Like I said above, it is an old basic one. I repeat my oft repeated theme as late -- they use the same words, these Republicans but they do not speak the same language.
Note to President Obama. I am free. I am available for the task of being Sec'y Commerce. I am willing to take the risk of what has to be one of the most inexplicably cursed offices.

P.S. Gregg did a decent enough job in his press conference. I can say that much with out plotzing.


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