Saturday, October 11, 2008

Even If I am Reminded of a Certain Chris Rock Routine

one of the ones where he uses the EN word frequently, and specifically vamps about how ENs get all proud about shit . . . they are SUPPOSED TO be doing anyway, like 'takin' care of their kids,' I am going to compliment McCain for correcting the nitwit racist piece of garbage, who was calling Sen. Obama a Muslim, the other day. Kudos Sen. McCain. Now I hope you actually realize that even if you might not be a latter-day or unreformed Archie Bunker Conservative Republican, you got those kind of peeps in the rank and file. And particularly as you have That Horrid Woman on the ticket, you have the Archie Bunker faction of the GOP about as riled up as a bunch of Field and Stream magazine subscribers on the opening day of Hunting Season, as default. Add in any race or bigot or hate baiting language, and you have the makings for a scaled-down Nurenburg Rally there. Yes, that is an exaggeration, but I was going for the image of political movement infused and energized by the emotional fuel of hate and racism. (I don't fall victim to Goodwin's law much but here? I will just say it and be done with it.)

Sheet, dude. Be careful with what you are stirring up, as you might end up reaping a whirlwind, and an evil, rank, foul one, at that.

Now on to the fun stuff.

That Horrid Woman is found (not as a proper matter of law but still determined ) to have personally abused power.

I am shocked, shocked that yet another republican personally abused their government power,


Again, as I am the one hoping to see her cut from the ticket, I have to wonder if now McCain will cut her loose? He is for reform and ending cronyism and corruption in gvt., right? Start by cleaning up his own ticket, I say.


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