Saturday, August 30, 2008

Did I Call It, or WHAT? This is one of the MAIN reasons I Despise the Republican Party.

Hell, they did not even wait until the debate between Sen. Biden and Gov. Palin to start playing the misogyny card, card. And I am NOT talking about the hacks and the spin doctors. I am talking about how rank (pun definitely intended) and file republicans are accusing critics of the Hockey Mom Gov. of sexism, when they point out or argue ( ok, I qualified it, this time) that she was picked on account of being a female.

Never mind the fact that the Republican hacks and spin doctors and pundits have seemingly all been saying the same thing, about hoping to attract the PUMA and other dissatisfied Dem women voters. I actually heard Pat Buchanan using the word feminist for her, and not meaning it to be a bad thing. How weird is that?

But I should not be surprised that hypocritical Republicans are already attacking anyone for pointing out the fact that she is a she, at the same time they hope the trick works.

This is one of the main reasons I Despise the Republican Party, as an institution. When it comes to being two faced hypocrites they have no equal (well not in America at least. The Russians can play that shit too, invading Georgia to stop an imaginary genocide). We are talking about the same shameless institution that used the word "EXOTIC," as it's attack word against Sen. Obama, and then had the nerve to accuse him of playing the race card. They ran around deliberately using the word exotic for the man, he says generally they are going to do that sorta crap, remind people that he is black, and they then accuse him of playing the race card?

Shameless! And they are proud of it too, I bet.

We are also talking about the same sick institution that is surprised surprised that African Americans do NOT turn out and vote in anywhere near the numbers they do for a white Dem, when the GOP runs a black candidate.

In the end, they are such vile bigots that they do not get that skin color is only skin deep (don't take me too literally there; I know there is much more to matters of race than skin color. I was using a cliche there, deliberately.)

Now considering that sex is far deeper than skin color, I hope that proves to be every bit as superficial a consideration next to party affiliation as race is. I hope that not only because I want my team to win, but I do not want to see such a desperate, bigoted, and hypocritical play to win, on account of the vileness of the thinking behind the play.

People that scummy, betting on people to be as scummy as they themselves are? That is scummy (my redundancy is deliberate, as I am trying to beat that horse to death.)


And if only to prove I can still be objective, I do say that the McCain Team/GOP did do a very solid job of taking the Obama/Biden ticket off the front burner, and stealing the news cycle.

I still condemn the seemingly vile thinking behind the ploy, but it is helping them in the short term. I mean, if the pick have been somone already known and vetted, would the pick get this much attention?

But I agree with the commentators that said something to the effect that it is a Hail Mary pass;
not so much of a precise thing, but moreso the stuff of wishful thinking.


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