Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Invasion of the (Partisan, Hate Mongering) Body Snatchers

Yes, yet again I rely on the tired but reliable mass cultural reference to make a point (or at least to serve as a 'teaser.') Anyway, yes, I am still stuck in the rut of being preoccupied with (for the sake of describing it differently) the theme of . . . "Where is the Love?"

But text is a slippery medium, so I should make the point plainer.

I have been googling various sociological sub-topics and even more generally, the relationship between Partisan Politics and Hate. So far on the general side, most of what I have seen has been either focused on the more extreme haters; those clear headed (in this one regard) people who not only hate, but know they are hateful and embrace the hate the way most normal folk would embrace a good reputation (or the illusion of such, I do say,) or it has been more partisan shit, who's author's un and not cleverly try to pass off as neutral writing.

(Shame of it is, is they get away with such intellectual dishonesty too often . . . but I digress.)

Anyway, I am thinking it is a fairly wide open field of scholarship right now. Wonder where is the best place for me to apply for a grant to study this Abomination and Blight on the Nation? Or . . . . as the cynic in me says to me (not literally says. . . I am just being literary there), my thoughts on this subject are about as original as a knock-knock joke. The reality about how people will view this topic about How Partisan Politics is the New Socially Acceptable form of Hate, is analogous to the family that has a senile grandpa, who shows up at the dinnertable half-naked and drooling and mumbling to himself. Everyone can seem him. Everyone knows he is off his rails. Everyone knows that (deliberately or not, doesn't really matter at the dinnertable) the old guy is failing to meet the standards of decent conduct. But no one wants to talk about it . . . except in hushed tones, and/or when the old guy is in a particularly rare and obnoxious mood.

That line of thinking reminds me of that play by Ibsen, "The Wild Duck." In that play the typical academic dramatic analysis finds and notes that the dominant theme of that play is:

"The Lie To Live By."

Sounds like an apt description of contemporary Partisan Politics.

We have people spewing hate at each other, not because they are objectively bad people, but because they (the opposing antagonists) don't believe in the same crock 'o shit. It is not the underlying socio/political/cultural beliefs that I find as the lie here. But I see the lie as the belief that people can act that way, be that abusive, and hate-filled, and still believe they are justified, if not decent people.

Ya, ya. I have hurled my share of, to my mind, divine fireballs, in my day. But admittedly, objectively, they were no more potent or effective than spitballs. That happens from time to time to the best of us. But when people start believing that is a NORMAL way to act, day after day, and keep at it, week after week, month after month, year after year??? That can't be decent conduct. That can't be healthy conduct. And maybe more importantly, it can't be any more productive or useful to our society/nation as . . . well as I described my own contribution, I suppose, no more productive or useful than spitballs.

Before I ramble any more on the topic, let me find the exit and end this for the day. But on my way out the door I will offer that in addition to the question, "Where is the Love?" we might also ask ourselves:

"Where are the adults?"

"Where is the thoughtfulness?"

"Where is the respect?"


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