I am FU**ING BURNT-OUT on all this Partisan SHIT!!
Between the damn culture wars, red state/blue state, Conservative litmus tests for SCOTUS nominees, the RAW HATE that is SO COMMON in partisan politics now, that to my mind it is the 21st century version of RACISM (as Racism was a tolererated form of RAW HATE in this nation for far far far far too long,) I am ready to pull a Howard Beal (that movie "Network,") and start shouting,
"I'm mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!!!"
I have seen too many people who I once thought were reasonable and decent, turn into bigots. I have seen too many people who I thought were sensible and kind, turn irrational and hate-filled. I have seen too many people who I thought were intelligent, slip into the deepest gutter of ignorant thought, act, and speech.
I have seen too many people I respected, turn UGLY.
Shit shit shit. I know that it would be good for me right now to go to some cloistered community, and do some deep meditation.
Or go to Vegas.
I need a break.
Where is the LOVE??
One last Ranting Thought:
People should judge people by the content of their character, not their DAMNED, STUPID-ASSED, SHITTY POLITICAL leanings.
Did I say already that I mean to call all of it SHIT???
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