Thursday, August 04, 2005

Evolution of the GOP

Yes, it is original content, but I first published it earlier today . . . . somewhere else. It (IMO) is worth slapping up here.

Weird, how the GOP had "evolved." It was originally a bunch of do gooders, then it morphed into the party of the Nouveau Riche, then by the time their grandkids got the Trust Funds, the party of Elite Privilege. Yes, in the old days they still needed to get the poor folk they would never let in their nice pretty mansions, but through the tradesman's Door, out back, to vote for their (aristocratic) interests, but then something happened. That was called The Great Depression.

For a while Americans realized it was them (few) against the rest of us, and those few would gladly use our bodies for heating logs (if only they could figure out how to deal with that stench.)

Then came the 1950's and averge joe started living good, and the few Republican Elite got some of their support back.

Then we got NIXON, LOL.

Then we got inflation and all that crap. Then we got Carter.

Then the pendulm swung back and we got Ronnie (the first US President ALMOST sent to the White House directly from Central Casting.) I'll skip the rest of the timeline but to say we have the most FUCKED UP sociological and political creature, in the modern GOP. We have a country where 10% of the pop. control 90% of the wealth. But that does not insure control of the gvt., even if money talks.

In order to protect their wealth, the 10% need a good amount of the commoners to support them politically. And during Reagan's election campaign, you had the Moral Majority pop up. Hello . . . instant commoners . All that was necessary was to be willing to support the social whims of that narrow constinuency. So what do the American Aristocracy care about that stuff? No big deal. It is an easy trade off to cater to those whims, mostly in only word and not deed, and if that keeps the aristocracy ascendant, they can easilly deal with the trade off. It is not as if any wealthy person needs to worry about flying their kin across state lines or out of the country to get and enjoy things that are BANNED by the self appointed forces of Moralistic Opression.

So this is seemingly how we got here. We have a party run by a few very rich people who only give a damn about their own money and people like them, being protected by a more numerous group of people who, in a more perfect aristocratic society, would have to say "Yes, M'Lord," if ever met.

I know, I know, I am giving the old CLASS WARFARE argument that (perhaps not strangely) GOP Pols decry (and fear.) Reason I am so willing to revert to that argument??? Many years ago, I did a temp gig at the Trusts Department of CityBank, down on Wall Street. I spent a week reviewing the trust accounts of lots of America's Lesser Known wealthy families . . . and in going through the records, I would see some of the records of some of America's Better Know families.

Shit . . . I was reading the accounts of the Astor Family.


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