Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bigots who are Way Too Proud of Themselves for Being Bigots.

Well, one can argue that that is an apt description for any one who is part of the socially conservative wing of the GOP. And one would likely be right. However I am thinking right now about the Obama Notre Dame faux controversy and the shit heads stirring the pot. I just watched vid of Randall Terry from Hannity's hate fest of a program. Good God. They agree that they can't understand how and why the U. of Notre Dame could give an honor to someone who disagrees with their beliefs.

Let me repeat.

They agree that they can't understand how and why the U. of Notre Dame could give an honor to someone who disagrees with their beliefs.

And I am sure, that either fucktard would throw a hissy fit to equal the most drama queen bratty of 13 year old girls, if someone called either of them an extreme bigot.

The fact that they are now (not that it is only now) perfect poster children for the cause of bigotry, surely completely flies over their heads, as they condemn anyone who disagrees with them and denies them the sort of ordinary human respect one should at least politely hold for people who do not agree with their politics.

That is why I call them bigots; because they are bigots.


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