Wednesday, March 25, 2009

YEA! Someone Finally Filed the "I'm a Ho for Arctic Cat" Complaint, X Sociopathic Succubus Sarah.

(I'm on my back up puter here, so I have motivation to be brief. This thing is so slow.)

And if only to prove how mind fwkingly obtuse the woman is, consider her reply to the specifics of this complaint:

"Yes, I wore Arctic Cat snow gear at an outdoor event, because it was cold outside."

She wore Corporate Sponsorship Logo Bearing clothing, because it was cold?

So what will she do when it gets warmer in the summer? Get a Tat endorsing Coors Light beer?

Now I am going to get at least a little snarky with the criticism here. So with that in mind I will say that her "Valley Trash" buddies in the Mat-Su are probably jealous of the tacky Corporate Logo gear as well, that is what some people get off on. Ya, I remember being impressed with motorcycle sponsorship gear when I was a child. I am not a child anymore damnit. And even if I were still into motorcycle racing, I would not be caught dead in public wearing sponsor gear if I were either an elected government official, or any other kind of public servant.
Never mind, the creature has a degree in Comm./Journalism, and actually worked for a TV Station. Yew know what that is? It is a business that is in the business of charging companies and corporations for advertising services. She did that before her political career, and she can actually say in public that is is frivolous to complain that it is unethical for her to be out there at a public event, with the press taking pictures and tape of her while she is wearing Corporate Sponsor Logo Gear?
And some people wonder why I call her unimpressive in any way that matters (like smarts) and have no guilt in calling her a sociopath. And remember kids, that does not mean psycho killer. In brief it means someone so self-absorbed that they are past merely clinically Narcissistic.
Anyway, back to the lack of ethics, part. How much would it have cost for Arctic Cat to have paid for all the exposure it got from her wearing the gear, if they had to pay regular commercial advertising rates, ya think? Remember, for better or worse, she still gets international media attention, if not based on the press pool that is near her, on any given day, but she will make it to the wire services, and the Internet before you can say Yew Betcha!

There is that age old phrase,"Appearance of Impropriety." Sorry Sarah. you might think this isn't a big deal, but that is a great part of why you are such a corrupt critter; you don't even recognize your own personal and deliberate "Appearance of Impropriety" when it is literally wrapped around your own body.

Good Lord. Spare the rest of the world from this woman. If they reelect her as Gov. in Aka, so be it. Let her be Alaskan Evita for life, for all I care. Just keep the creature away from having any effect on my life, even if only as a mere vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.
P.S. Far as I know that is an official Arctic Cat marketing photo. Now I guess if you can use sex to sell a snowmobile you can use it to sell anything. However, I do recall this story, told to me by a beauty from Minnesota. I will not tell her whole tale, but it involved a snowmobile, and well? I will leave the rest of it to your own dirty minds.


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