So Much To Comment On, So Little Time . . . How About Some Quickies.
Item one: more about Caribou Barbie's (or as I am wont to call her, Sociopathic Succubus Sarah) Excellent Wardrobe.
With her legs, Palin didn't need a makeover.
I particularly agree with the writer's remarks that for TV you need the hair and the makeup done right, however maybe not all that expensively. For the kind of money they spent, you can get some top draw talent for a year, not merely 3 months (if even that long.) And I agree with her when she says all Caribou Barbie really needed was:
A few pencil skirts (she has great legs), fitted jackets or a knit dress or two, simple accessories and she'd have been fine - far better, in fact that Cindy McCain, whose over-the-top designer wardrobe reminded me of the clothes worn by Krystle Carrington in Dynasty. They did not say "woman of the people". No wonder the Republicans got trounced.
But at least there was truth in advertising in the way they shopped Palin. They were quite honestly about it all being a dog and pony show.
And for a home town (or should I say state) perspective:
Sarah Palin: The Gift That Keeps On Taking.
For a taste of this writer's commentary, consider the following, which is the core of the writer's case for calling Palin Governor Grifter:
Palin, before her nomination, accepted gifts valued at $25,367 from industry executives, municipalities and a cultural center whose board includes officials from some of the largest mining interests in the state. Some of the “gifts” included a $2,200 ivory puffin mask, a woven grass fan worth $300 and a $150 ivory necklace. This may explain her pro Pebble Mine stance.
Alaska Grifter Total: $85,798
VP Grifter Total: $330,000
Total Grifter Total: $415,798
My comment, not so much about the writer's piece but my continuing interest in Caribou Barbie? Well, she might not be the most obvious, composite, and complete cartoon example of what is wrong with the Republican Party, but for now, she seems the obvious choice.
Anyway, moving away from Succubus Sarah, how about the ex CEO of Merrill Lynch, daring to want more money for being such a rotten manager?
Merrill Lynch & Co. chief John Thain has suggested to directors that he get a 2008 bonus of as much as $10 million.

Now I do have an orchestra seat, but it is back orchestra. Now if you are not familiar with the Metropolitan Opera House, here are the core facts. The full audience capacity of the hall is just short of 4000 (including standing room.) My ticket is in row Z. Row A is the row closest to the stage. So even if I am not going to be close, at least the sight lines should be very good.
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