Friday, December 21, 2007

Bay Buchanan has me down COLD!

The following, from a recent appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show. The topic was, where does the more extreme level of hate for politicians come from.

Bay Buchanan:

“You got to understand where it is coming from, on the left. The liberal elite are intellectual snobs.

They really only respect people who are very good with the numbers and the quotes and the facts and the figures.

They have to be on a high intellectual level. They never respected Reagan, for instance.”

Um, ya. Not only do I admit I resemble that remark, I endorse it.

When I am thinking about what I want in a President or Senator, what I want is the guy or gal

"Who [are] very good with the numbers and the quotes and the facts and the figures."

I don't want the one who would be a great surrogate grandpa/ma, or best neighbor, or best hangin' out, or even prayer circle buddy. I want somone who at least understands the way all that shit generally works. if they do not get how all that shit generally works, then they are not fit for the office.



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