Yes, the urge to babble and fume about things I have already is upon me (internet culture, mean people, political partisans, folk who fail to appreciate the HUGE difference between viewing the world with child-like wonder as opposed to acting like foul and bratty children.) But today I think I will sort of touch on some of that, by addressing the Asshole Question.
Yes, I am talking about humans who's personality, demeanor, and conduct earn them the accurate description:
Granted, one person's asshole is another's forgiven poor, minor, weak, fair-weather friend (covered that already with my vamps on things like confirmation bias and groupthink.) But honestly, if your Buddy acts like an asshole to other people, but not you (or not most of the time, he or she is STILL AN ASSHOLE!
Now I am not talking about people who can act like an asshole on their bad days (unless their bad days are something like 100 days out of the year -- that makes one too-often an asshole, which is close to being mostly an asshole, which is the same as being a plain asshole.) I am talking about them dog-shit on the bottom of your shoe on any given day, can't make it through a single day with out stinking the room or fouling the couch, no matter what counterbalancing qualities they have, they basically are . . . just plain assholes.
GAWD! I hate assholes!
Now from my unscientific POV, there are mainly two kinds of assholes:
Them that know they are assholes, and them that don't.
Personally I rather deal with "Them that know." If you are dealing with a self-aware asshole, you can shut them up in the middle of their assholeness, by complimenting them on how big an asshole they are. After all, what is the core of a real true dedicated asshole? Excessive and unwarranted SELF LOVE. You can buy a few moments peace by acknowledging their prowess.
However??? Them that are clueless to their assholeness? Them are the worst ones.
Their excessive and unwarranted SELF LOVE is so malignant, so pathological, so delusional, that they operate day to day, 24/7, 365 a year under the unfathomable delusion they are not in fact assholes but are not only decent people but . . . .
are SUPERIOR people.
I don't believe in the Death Penalty, but I will be willing to make an exception for delusional assholes; they can't be cured, unless the ever get to the point (for whatever reason) of developing enough of an accurate sense of self awareness to realize
they are the scum of the earth, and embrace that fact.
Not likely, though.
Generally speaking, assholes (no matter which flavor) are uncurable.
Save some life threatening or changing event that forces them to really look deep inside their selves, past the facade of normalcy (or embracing the evil selfish qualities that infect their personalities like pus in a blister), real assholes are assholes for life.
I am sick of assholes.
Someone PLEASE!!! Save me from the Assholes! At least, be nice to me, damnit!