Friday, May 24, 2024

Not Naming Names Part Deux. How Fucking Stupid

 Must one be to pretend Alito's excuse is only a tiny bit not a flat out lie?

Granted.  Loyal Republicans don't care their politicians lie.  They have been using bullshit as part of their usual diction and communication for decades.  So for them, Alito's nonsense is in keeping with their cult practices.  The libs are upset he was clearly engaging in partisan wing nuttery.  And never mind that is a clear ethical lapse.  His crazy excuse is making the Libs even more distressed!  So yeah that, yeah for him!

Oh.  And the other flag he flew at his NJ vacation home is associated with Christian Nationalists!  Double yeah!  If you are a MAGA moron at least.

Like I said on FB a couple days ago.  I'm horrified.  But by now I am used to being horrified.


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