Monday, February 08, 2021

If you ain't black or brown


I am not going to name names.  I will not link to any particular infraction.

But if you ain't black or brown.  And as well, if you don't at least have credentials as an expert in race issues that most black or brown experts would and already have said, "He/she is ok.  They with us."

Just fucking say no to even talking about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness.

First and foremost, we black and brown folk don't need to hear your bullshit.  It likely is going to be racist bullshit anyway.  You are likely to make shit worse by adding your unwanted comments to the discussion.

And here is the part you should worry about.  Particularly if the act, event, or default that has caused you to have a desire to talk about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness is yet another story about how some dumb assed, ignorant white person got "cancelled" for talking about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness.  What the fuck is wrong with you?  Are you waiting for a personalized cease and desist latter?  For fuck's sake, take the obvious lesson, and stop talking about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness.

It is not an act of bravery to talk about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness, when you are neither, and likely have no fucking idea what the motherfuck you are talking about.  It is an act of deliberate ignorance!  Even if you quote some right leaning black person who says things you agree about?  You are still you.  You should not talk about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness.  Because you are white, and ignorant about shit like that.  And you are likely to say something racist yourself, particularly if you are quoting, either directly or even worse, indirectly some right leaning black person who says things you agree about.  Because you don't know what they are talking about, even if you agree with it.  Because every fucking right leaning black person who says things you agree about,  is pursuing their own agenda.  Not fucking yours.  Theirs.  It might be personal, academic, social, or political.  And likely is some combination of all.  And the percents of the components might shift day to day, hour to hour.  It is that person's life.  Fucking leave them to it!  Stop being so entitled and selfish!

I could go all day, or at least till my fingers hurt really badly, on this topic.  But I am looking for the door here.  So last thoughts.  If you run a blog.  And your blog comment section tends to drift to resembling a hive of racist scum and villainy, then you really really should just fucking say no to blogging about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness.  Because you are not only likely to say something racist yourself, out of your white ignorance and recklessness.  But your doing so will encourage your scumbag racist commenters to say shit that is even more racist than the shit you said.  And then you are going to have to draw some virtually imaginary line for what is or is not tolerated.  (Because most white racists don't really get that they are racists.  But that fucking asshole who just said something you would never get caught saying?  They are the racists.  Not you.  Never you.) And in doing so, not just that confusing if not hypocritical flare up, but in daring to go down that path and getting stuck to several tar babies in the process (I can say that.  Not only am I black/brown, but I qualify for citizenship from a West African nation.)  You have proven the truth of my guidance:

Just fucking say no to even talking about anything having to do with human blackness, or brownness.

But are you smart enough to learn the lesson? As you are still trying to get the tar out of your blonde hair?


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