Great Essay on Why The Pro Torture People are a Greater Enemy to America, Than Them Folk That Were Tortured.
Once upon a time, America was known around the world for its powerful, benevolent nature when handling captured enemy fighters. Even our adversaries knew they could hoist the white flag and expect to be treated humanely. In turn, this made them more likely to give up sooner. And it not only kept American soldiers out of countless bloody fights, but it made victory and success all that much easier for our troops.
For years, rank and file soldiers and insurgents around the world viewed surrender to the Americans as a reasonable option when finding themselves outgunned.
And then we went and did this:

Now, our opponents won't feel secure in surrendering to U.S. forces.
We no longer hold the moral high ground.
(BTW that is the tamer of the pics that were there, for example.)
Remember that, the next time you hear some psychopath defend torture. We used to be seen around the world as something better then the rest of them, and they are a bunch of sadistic, blood lusting psychos who would torture and kill another human for any reason, or no reason at all. Thanks to Bush and Cheney, we are no longer in a class (mostly) by ourselves. We are seen as no more humane, no more civilized then the very people that were tortured in our name, America.
Sickening, that that had to happen. Even more sickening it is that people are expending time and energy defending that psychotic blood lusting savagery. Sick shit, all that.
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