Monday, January 05, 2009

I am Going to Try to Move Off My Pet Peeve About Republican Racists, But

I will mention the fact that the GOP is 90% white:

(The stat is buried in there, somewhere.)

And that these fools are so locked into their cultural view that they will deny that something so obviously (at least) inflammatory and loaded with racial overtones and implications as the "Magic Negro," song can reasonably be viewed as patently offensive or racist. Some of those monsters actually think that shit is funny.

But I am going to back away from that subject (I should have had enough of it by now, having obsessed about it, part time, over the past few days.) Instead I am going to talk about Republican Victim hood. Ironic, I should say, that that skank-a-slore Coulter has a book out now partially taking aim at Dem./Lib victim hood, just about the time that the GOP is getting its whine on.

First there is the previous election, the one two years ago. That sorta got the whine started.

"How come we lost total control of Congress?" And at that point everyone from the evil elite mainstream media, to soy bean farmers in China were to blame. Well, everyone and everything was to blame but for themselves.

Few if any GOPers came to the logical conclusion. "Either we suck, or too many people think we suck. In any event, it is our fault."

Then there was this past November's election. That got the whine going very strong.

"How did we loose the White House (and to a negro/Muslim/elite who pals around with terrorists?)"

And yet again, everyone from the evil elite mainstream media, to soy bean farmers in China were to blame. This time ACORN was blamed. Hell, GOP Candidate McCain even tried to front load the blame on ACORN before election day (cowardly lie, that was.) Well, everyone and everything was to blame but for themselves. Few if any GOPers came to the logical conclusion. "Either we suck, or too many people think we suck. The think the last GOP President sucks. They thought our ticket sucked, In any event, it is our fault."

Even Succubus Sarah, when she fired off her list of what went wrong, she blamed everyone but did not take the smallest of blame for her self (yes there is a pattern.)

And as of today, the loss of Norm Colman to Al Franken? Well it is not a loss that the incumbent brought on him self for sucking so badly that the race was a squeaker he could not win. The election was STOLEN by Franken. So they say. I mean WHINE.

Ya know what the worst part of the next four if not eight years is going to be? Listening to the whining from the Republicans. And they are good at that shit. If only they actually were good at governing they would not have as much to whine about, as that whole running the government well part, keeps ya in office. But ya know? Even when they are in control, they tend to whine way too much too.


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