Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I am not going to say much myself here.  But for the obvious.  Shit like that makes me angry.  My heart goes out to all affected (viewed generously.)  And I am angry at the way many of my fellow Americans  are behaving. 

I won't repeat all I said on FB  over the past two days  but I have been semi livid over the racism and supidity that we know is always  there in Ameica.  And like I said, though.  Times like these can bring out the best in people, and the worst.

Now  (hat tip to WARN)  let me link their post for today. 

It features  a unrelated, and not, clip of a speech  by Brother Doctor Cornel West.

P.  Obama is NOT a LIBERAL.  This is what a real liberal sounds like.

WARN -- Dr. West On The Niggerization of America.


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