Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Rank and File GOPers Have Their Heads so far Up Their Asses, They Can Kiss the Backs of Their Throats From Inside. Case in Point: Anti Unionism.

No, you idiots. It was not Big Business that gave you a 5 day work week, better wages, health care, and safer workplaces. It was the unions who fought Big Business for all those things. In most cases none of those things we now take for granted were given to us workers out of a sense of generosity (in smaller companies? Maybe. Not Big Business. That's what the record shows.) Union men and women fought, were bloodied and bruised, and in some cases murdered, in the long, hard fight for those benefits.

So if you, Mr. or Ms. GOPer/Right Winger want to support the US Chamber of Commerce's war plan against unions, you might as well park yourself in the middle of the street, douse yourself in gas, and set yourself on fire, for all the good supporting that agenda will do you.

Now I have seen the following bumper sticker: "The Weekend. Brought to you by Unions!"

I would go several steps further: "The American Middle Class. Mostly brought to you by Unions!"

Now get your heads out of your asses, you asses!


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