I like the way the author pigenholes Rand Paul here:
The problem with Rand Paul isn't that he is a racist. It is that he is a fool.
In speaking with Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC show, Paul probably sunk his own Tea Party-Republican candidacy for the Senate. Everything was there. The references to William Lloyd Garrison, the abstruse discussion about the Civil Rights Act, the loopy comments about forcing restaurant owners to accept someone toting guns onto their property -- all testify to the bizarre mental world that Paul inhabits. Why is he even discussing the Civil Rights Act in 2010? Shall we debate the decision to intervene in World War II, while we're at it?
Libertarians Can be as Thick as a Brick.In if not fairnes to Rand Paul, he finally showed the good sense (likely advice from someone way smarter than him) to abandon his 'Property rights trump fighting racism,' position. But after rejoining the sane, reality based community on that issue, dude goes and jumps back into the ideological moron's pool:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Kentucky's Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul is criticizing President Barack Obama's handling of the gulf oil debacle as putting "his boot heel on the throat of BP."
Paul says Obama's criticism of the oil company sounds like an attack on business and "really un-American."
Rand Paul Keeps Saying Stupid Shit.In the words of that great social observer, Buggs Bunny,"What a maroon!"