Thursday, December 17, 2009
About Me
- Name: Abstentus
Well, the last time I took the Jung-Keirsey Personality Test, the results informed me I was a Counselor Idealist. I normally would say it was my cynicism that led me to Law School. But yes, somewhere in the back of my mind, there still is a battered, hammered, starved, exhausted, nearly-fully defeated Idealist, that hopes for the day when he can regain what strength he formally had, if not thrive. I am not a "People Person." I am definitely "Wonky." I despise stupidity and moreso, deliberate ignorance. I despair the chance that either our Nation or the Whole World will ever get out of the seemingly-suicidal spiral of sinister and senseless suffocation of souls. I am prone to excessive alliteration and wordiness. I strive to restrain my baser nature, and give way to the Angels of my Better Nature, but every now and then, the Angels lose the battle. I truly have no use for phony people, or false heros. I abstain from what is known as the "Cult of Personality." I may not be from Missouri, but I believe, seeing is believing.
Previous Posts
- So Did You Hear About . . .
- I know Republicans are Used to Being Despised, on ...
- Sorta Random Video
- No, Children. The Problem Isn't That the Washingt...
- No. He Did Not Exactly Equate Athiesm With Porn, But
- Colbert on Beck on the Chain of Command
- A Day at the Museum
- Obvious Racist, Nasty Christian Bigot.
- You Must be Wondering Why I Haven't Mentioned That...
- I Hate Hatemongers. That Means You, Glenn Beck.
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