White mediocrity. Maybe the reason so many white people are perfectly happy to have low expectations for white boys is drilled into their vapid, inferior brains so relentlessly from birth, it is just too dominant. A white person has to be exceptionally intuitive, smart, and curious, to do the thinking, and analysis, and arrive at the correct conclusion. America isn't a meritocracy. What it is is a society of racist privilege, and the ruling faction has such wide and great control, they can have extremely low standards for their own.
After posting that vid about stupid orange bad man's excuse for being a barely coherent idiot, and calling out that ex law professor for (as she did on her blog) in some way shape or form, communicating the idea stupid orange bad man might be some kind of genius. I put the two ideas together. America has for the most part and most time, had very low standards for white boys. And oddly enough, many think they are genetically superior. Stupid orange bad man, is the poster child/troll for that shit, those people.
I am not going to go long here. Google the issue. Read the book. But I want to take one more run at the Owl.
Yo! Lady! When you were a law professor, how would you have graded a student's paper if the format/style was like bozo speaking at one of his rallies? If you had to slog and suffer through 20 rambling, incoherent pages before the student finally made their point, would you reward them or penalize them?
Curious minds want to know.
Labels: ann althouse, cult of white right wing victim hood, Just Plain Stupid
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