Thursday, November 29, 2012

Not In A Ranting Mood. So Here. Have Some Humor.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Follow Up Regarding Althouse Pimping Someone Else's Racist Bile.

At least one of her commenters  called her out, speculatively, of pimping that racist shit, to generate traffic and comments to her blog.  I am not going to say, oh  ya.  That's what's really going on here.  Mostly  or even just partly.

However, it makes me go hmmmmm . . . .

Is there a term yet, for someone not really a racist, but who would pimp racist content, partly if not greatly to generate traffic to their blog?

I don't think so.  Let's play at it.




Zombie racist?



Gee.  Every thing I think of sucks.  That is because you can't shorten racist  and still get the feel.  And if you use the full term, racist, the nuance gets lost.

So I will settle for saying the following.  If Ann Althouse is being some opportunistic re publisher of racist shit, mainly to generate traffic to her site, and excitement in her comments section, she might not actually be a racist.  But she is engaging in a game so despicable, so vile, so unconscionable some might think she's far worse than an out and out racist.  Figuring out some way  to personally profit by promoting someone else's racism, is about as low as a human can get.  My opinion.

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I Desperately Want to Call Ann Althouse Out as a Racist, But . . .

I still think her problem is more her ignorance, and incapability to look at anything from the other side (except when she's deliberately playing devil's advocate.  And even then, she's just being tricksy.)

Anyway, let's peel back the onion layers of despicableness going on there with her.  First the set up and the link.  She's quoting  and promoting a way worse, way more despicable person,  known  as an out of the closet racist.  that little shit I like to call Professor  Racist Dickface?  Jacobson.  He, like some knee-jerk, redneck, neo-confederate immediately jumped to the defense of those congressional shits who have been excessively  dumping on Amb. Rice.  But Althouse  went and took his racist screed, and promoted it on her blog:

Go Here For That Ugly Shit.

Merely posting/linking anything from that racist scumbag having to deal with race, and holding it out as anything  less than vicious racist  bile, is of course despicable.  But she goes further. She, in what is perhaps her most intellectually  dishonest ipse dixit fashion, declares that the push back against the dishonest, conniving, and opportunist senators and others  heaping shit on Amb. Rice is "Bullying." 

Let's deal with that.  You call me incompetent.  I accuse you of attacking me, based on some twisted, depraved agenda and not on the facts.  Who's the bully?  That's my refutation of her NOT EVEN an argument.  It's  so dim witted  it's  not only funny.  It's fucking idiocy.

But ya.  The real problem here is she is willing to accept the conserva-racists'  straw man argument.  that in some way  the charge of racism is callous, or disingenuous, and as part of some "scheme"  (her idiotic word choice) to keep some folk immune from criticism.

Hey elderly lady!  No one is saying  Rice is beyond criticism.  No one is saying P. Obama  is beyond criticism.  If that is you argument you not only lose the debate, but any presumption of being a minimally honest, cogent, rational human  being. 

As far as the racism  charge goes, here is what I say.  And goodness knows  I think Rep.  Clyburn knows  more about being on the bad end of racist shit than I do.  But let me try to explain this in my own words.  I am personally not jumping up and down with the J'accuse  here, because this, what Dickface Grahm and crazy Grandpa McCain are playing at, is an obvious  (to black and intelligent folk) dog whistle, Racism 2.0 game.  It's not the language that is really  the issue.  And I am going to go BOLD.  Make sure people see and know what my argument is.


Remember kiddies.  The baseline (if you are not a dickface) is that you should not be running around publicly  accusing anyone of being incompetent, unless you are really going to defend that shit, and I mean  do or die, to the end. 

And yes, partisan GOPers  will go harsh on white liberals.  But they are not as likely to call a white man  incompetent.  That's the fact.  There is a great amount of partisan hackery going on here.  I will admit, that is mostly what is going on here.  It is partisan hackery, and the early indication that the fucking dickfaced GOPers  are going to continue to play their obstructionist games, as much as they think they can get away with, for the next four years.  Any excuse, great or small, to try to fuck with P. Obama  is what they are going to be doing.  That's the base line.  But if they cross the line over to Racism 2.0 shit.  If they play these vile race baiting games, I really have no qualms about calling them out on it.

Back to Althouse, before I end this.  I still do not want to call her a racist.  I will still keep her in the too stupid to get it, category.  But as far a Jacobson goes?  First  let me post what that racist dickface says on his blog: 

"Every time I think the Democratic race card players could not get more vile, more deranged, more patronizingly demeaning to blacks . . . "

My fucking god!  What Nazi like  racist arrogance he has.  Fuck your mother, Jacobson, if you think you are at fucking all in any sort of position where you have anything like a right to tell me as a black man what is patronizing to me.  Fuck you twice!  I am going to have to deeply channel the West African  Mende Ancestors  and devise a curse on your punk ass fitting to your crimes against humanity.

I'll keep it brief. 

May you get lost in the desert, and run out of water.  And two days later come across a pool of salt water. 

(As always, content should be understood to be Just My Opinion.)

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's Just Where I Am Starting, Today . . .

I could go off on a mini rant about how it is that some GOPers  get it, that they are monsters, but how some are totally fucking clueless about how monstrous they in fact are.   Come to think of it, that was my intention.  So here goes. 
Compare  Ann Coulter with this week's winner for most humanity-hating remark, Andrea Tantaros.  Now everyone knows that Coulter knows what an evil bitch from hell she is.  She takes pride in her evil.  But then there is Tantaros, who this week  made a remark about how being on Food Stamps would be a great way for her to lose weight.  I honestly think she does not get how monstrous that line is, and how that makes her a monster.
And that is the real question.  How could she NOT know?
Anyway, now that we do not have to worry about the stark raving terror of a monstrous Romney administration, we can get back to wondering about the broken minds, and twisted black hearts of the GOPers.  Maybe, if we are lucky, there will be a pill for that, by 2016.  Otherwise we will have to go through this "Fight The Monsters," ritual  all over again.  The GOP.  They are like some Hollywood horror movie monsters.  Just when you think they are good and dead, they pop back up, with the screaming, and the yelling,  and the breaking of things,  and the terrorizing of the countryside.  Make that  country.
Why can't we just vanquish them once and for all?  Now that would be something I would give great thanks  for.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What Am I Thankful For?

I am thankful that all the women close to me in life are smart, compassionate, and brave.  That of course means they are all democrats, or at least lean that way.

Republican women tend to be stupid, evil, and cowards.  I am glad I have none of that in my life!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm Not Really Into Turkey Day.

It's one of the most false American Holidays.  Well, after Xmas, actually.

Well you really don't think Jesus was born on Dec. 25 or any where near it, do you?

(Some folk will believe all sorts of nonsense.)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bye Bye Twinkies (for now.) Good Riddance!

Bad people and worse people.

First, the bad.  Ok.  It's one thing to miss Twinkies.  But don't act like it's the end of the world, people.  We call that shit junk food for a reason.  It's becasue it's  barely edble shit.  So keep it in perspective. 

Now the worse.

Bitches are blaming the (2nd and seemingly last  final) bankruptcy on the unions.  People who think that are definitely  worse.  And need to choke on their own bile.  While eating a Twinkie.  Just for irony's sake.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

About Benghazi and Patreaus Gate.

Keep at it, dick headed conservatives.  Just when your party should be thinking, ya know, when we shove knotty tree branches up our own asses, it makes our asses hurt, you go and grab another branch and shove it up your ass?  Have at it!  And by that I mean the whole Benghazi fake scandal circus is not helping them.  It will just solidify the view that they are corrupt, stupid assholes.

Likewise, I compare the perverse amount of republican attention paid to Gen. Patreaus'  dick, to the way the GOP was obsessed with President Clinton's.  Seems to me  that GOP men are way the fuck too interested in other men's dicks.

Just saying.

Self inflicted butt hurt, and dick inspection.  That is the GOP of 2012, going on 2013.  What shit headed assholes.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

It Would Please Me to No End

to just randomly cuss out republicans.  I love  ripping on those scumbags.

But instead, I give you this.  It might not be the most brilliant  quote.  And it is a fictional quote, meaning  only attributed to a fictional character.  And my posting of this does not mean I believe in the universal applicability of that mode of thinking.

There is just something appealing  about it to me, and I am sure that in some circumstances it is the right way to be thinking.

Edit to add:
For some reason,  the edge of the pic is lost and the quote is mushed.  So let me type it out.
"The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attidtude about the problem.  Do you understand?"
And that quote so much makes me think of republicans, because their attitude is the problem.  It actually starts at a hgher level, as sometimes  the very things they believe are problems are the problem, never mind their attitude about it.
But yes.  Republicans definitely have a serious attitude problem.  And I don't just and merely  mean the tea baggers.  At this point in time if you were break the party into two wings, you would have the completely crazy wing, and the only half crazy wing.  It is that damn hard to find a sane republicans.  After all, the purge of 2010 that sent all the moderates  running for their lives, pretty much took care of that.


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Against The Odds . . .

I made it to my 50th Birthday!  Deal with it, bitches!

Now I am not going to go too long here.  That's what my facebook page is for  --  that's where my real friends are at.  This is more my venting space.  Anyway . . . thanks to all the people who have given me love and support over the years. I could not have done it without you guys.  Thanks  again!

And for the people who have given me shit, who have shown me hate, and disrespect, and cruelty over the years?

Fuck you all, motherfuckers!

Chokc on your own bile!  Particularly if you are a GOPer, and are all upset the scary black man won the election for office of POTUS, again.  And by that  I mean, fuck you twice, bitches.

I have been given such a wonderful birthday present  this year, I could be more gracious.  But naaaa.  This is my day, damnit.  I'm maxing on the pleasure of it, today.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Deal With It, Bitches!

Four More Years!  You republican bitches  can bite me!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Don't forget to vote

but only if you are planning on voting the Democratic ticket.

Otherwise, stay the fuck away from the polls!

Friday, November 02, 2012

He's With Me (Or I'm With Him. ) Rock on Bruce!

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